Upcoming Events

World Day of Prayer Service

Thursday, September 12thWorld Day of Prayer Graphic
6:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Come join with us to hold sacred space for those in the world and in our own communities in need of prayer. Regardless of religion or belief, we in Unity hold these days sacred to hold in thought and mind those who request prayer, and those we pray for.


Spirit Groups Welcome You
Spirit Groups Logo

UOTA SpiritGroups Welcome You!
SpiritGroups give you an opportunity to connect with people in a deep, meaningful, and fulfilling way. They create a safe space where you are heard, appreciated, and loved for who you are. They are designed to inspire infinite connections, one small group at a time, by coming together in a spirit of love and support.

Unity on the Avenue SpiritGroups include videos and discussions, as well as planning a social event, participating in a service project for the greater community, and holding a Celebration Sunday to share the love within the SpiritGroup with the Unity community. 

Two new UOTA SpiritGroups welcome you. Both SpiritGroups are drop-in groups held at Unity on the Avenue; you’re welcome to join at any time. 

    •    “Design Your Life: Distinctions for Living Life by Design Not by Default” will begin on Sunday, June 30, and will be held from 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. This group will feature videos with host Mendhi Audelin, the founder of Unity’s SpiritGroups, and Rev. Kevin Kitrell Ross, senior minister of Unity of Sacramento and author of “The Designer Life.” Rev. Ross, who holds a doctorate from Harvard Divinity School, brings his passion for people to teach the skills needed to manifest your mission in life. This group will be led by Lori Smith.

 •    “Spiritual Social Action for Earth and All Beings” will begin on Thursday, June 27, and will be held from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. This movement recognizes service to our community as a mutually beneficial exchange that empowers us. Acknowledging the Christ presence in all, we honor all aspects of our world, knowing that all have something valuable to give. This group will connect Unity’s basic teachings with social activism and an understanding of the spiritual aspect of caring for the Earth. This group will be led by Lori Smith and Penny Ware. 


Where to Watch On-Line Services

If you miss a Sunday morning lesson, you can always watch past lessons on our Facebook and YouTube Pages. Click on the icons below.


UOTA Commitment Form

Please fill out and return to Unity on the Avenue so our board can get a picture for budgeting purposes for 2024.  Thank you.